Wise cracks

I’m truly shocked that these vending machines have not made it to America yet.  Why bother going to McDonald’s?

I particuarly like the Iberico “Gourmet” sandwich!

So can you tell the varietal on this wine?  I can’t seem to find it on the label anywhere!

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Snide Lee
Snide Lee
November 13, 2018 6:59 pm

I believe that is Shiraz, which was found to be the offspring of two obscure grapes from southeastern France, Dureza and Mondeuse Blanche. That’s pronounced “Blanche” for those unfamiliar with the region, or it’s spinoff Cool Blanche Dressing. Shiraz arrived in Portugal from France in the early 1300s, back when Portugal was still a prison colony for lepers. A great bonus to drinking Shiraz is that due to the high level of tannins present in the wine it has one of the highest levels of health-benefiting antioxidants, and everyone knows how much you and Kim despise oxidants. Shiraz is a… Read more »

Snide Lee
Snide Lee
November 13, 2018 10:21 pm
Reply to  Chris

I can’t comment if you don’t click those new-car-smell-Timberland heels together and walk across Spain’s version of Kansas to an actual country. Turns out Portugal is the Puerto Rico of the Mediterranean, and I find myself equally befuddled and mortified that Europe’s Rhode Island sized West Coasters decided to one up Mexico’s Dia de Muertos by using actual skeletons to build their closets. Skeletons IN the closet? But of course! “This city was built on the backs of its people” isn’t supposed to be taken literally. If they use their neighbor’s corpse for framing materials, I’ll bet ten Euro the… Read more »

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