Final update on Australia refunds

This morning we received notification from Chase that our last disputed charges (Qantas, Jetstar, Bridgeclimb Sydney) have all been resolved in our favor.

Qantas and Jetstar were resolved when neither of them responded to Chase regarding the disputes.  Bridgeclimb Sydney, however, fought to the bitter end.  They sent Chase their cancellation policy, which was forwarded to me.  Their policy clearly states that if the bridge climb doesn’t happen, then they will offer a refund.  They failed to let Chase know that they were shut down themselves, and only pointed out that I cancelled first.  Pretty terrible, but happy to see I don’t have to deal with them ever again.

It took a lot of work and hours of time on the computer and the phone, but we were successful in cancelling 6 weeks of plans with zero financial impact.  I’m happy about that, but why did it have to be so hard?

We are supposed to be flying to Milan, Italy on September 21.  We shall see if that still holds!  Stay safe everybody!

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Mark Brown
Mark Brown
June 2, 2020 11:00 am

That’s great news. Our friends who had to escape from Tasmania still have not gotten Delta to reinstate their flyer miles. Delta left them stranded, so they had to buy first class (only available) tickets back to the US on United. Delta will not assist with that cost. You are tenacious Chris; we are the same. Me more than Denise, but she has it too. So many I know are only getting vouchers for travel, and airlines figured out angles to cancel flights , rebook customers on other days and allow them to cancel, thereby side stepping refunds. Those dastardly… Read more »

Chuck Bernard
Chuck Bernard
June 2, 2020 3:26 pm

I probably would have given up, life has just made me too tired to deal with problems anymore. I’m glad that you stuck with it though! Oh that reminds me, all of my insurance policies have been cancelled for some bizarre reason like they cannot classify my home that has been around for years…

Chuck Bernard
Chuck Bernard
June 2, 2020 3:43 pm

Risky to try to travel again so soon. You could end up being over there in Europe when the next wave hits and then you’ll be in the same boat again. 🙁

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