Tinto Travels – Trieste, Italy

The party bus took an hour long drive from our hotel in Slovenia to the city of Trieste, Italy, along the Adriatic Sea.  I had no idea how much wine could be consumed in an hour on a bus!

There we went on a walking tour with our guide Danica.  Of course, everybody had to stop in at illy for a bathroom break first.

Trieste is known as the City of Coffee since several major coffee companies are based here, including illy.

There is a canal, Canale Grande, that runs into the center of the city for three blocks (used to be 4 until somebody needed some park space).  The canal was built in the 1750’s to enable sailing ships to enter the city and unload their cargo, so this became the commerical center for Trieste.  The buildings that line the canal were once warehouses and businesses associated with the maritime trade.

Now it’s a shopping district filled with restaurants and high end Italian crap (if I see one more Gucci or Versace store I’m going to go postal!).  Look at this Major Douche!!!  Who would be caught dead wearing that outfit, particularly that really lame Gilligan’s Island hat in orange?  Well ok Skipper!  Grrrr.

There was a Canoe Polo competition going on.  Crazy stuff these Italians are into!  Thankfully they weren’t wearing Versace outfits!

This bridge over the canal was named after the poet James Joyce.

I had no idea who James Joyce was.  Thanks Wikipedia!  Joyce was an Irish author, poet, and teacher.  He lived in Trieste for a period of time, so they are staking their claim to his fame.

The beautiful boulevards remind me of Lisbon, without the tile work on the walls…and the unique cobblestone streets….ok, maybe not so much like Lisbon afterall.  Maybe it was just the vibe, or the fact that Peter, and Nina were with us?

Umberto Saba apparently hasn’t been cancelled as of yet.  Again, I must consult Wikipedia, because I’m not quite the worldly man I think I am.

Umberto was an Italian poet and novelist, who was born in Trieste.

The building below is the most ornate building in Trieste.  Stotka doesn’t care…he’s staring at a wine store down the street.  “I wonder if they have any Chardonnay?”

They discovered this Roman Theater under some houses that were built right over the ruins.  The theater dates to the 1st or 2nd century AD, and could house up to 3500 spectators.  The neighborhood where the theater was located was named Rena Vecia, which translates to Old Arena in Italian.  Even Indiana Jones could have solved this one without burning a Nazi’s hand!

It wasn’t until 1938 that the locals invoked Occam’s Razor, and the buildings over the ruins were demolished and the theater was uncovered.

I saw this odd painting which I believe is supposed to be container ships heading to different ports from Trieste.  As the former Chief Wharfinger for the Port of Oakland, I can assure you there is no port in San Francisco any longer, and there hasn’t been one since the 1970’s.  It’s all tourist crap now.  Change the sign to Oakland please!

This is a narrow street in the former Jewish Ghetto area of Trieste.  Beautiful spot.

This building is called Borsa Vecchia, which used to house the local stock market from 1805 to 1844.  It is now the home of the Chamber of Commerce.  I wonder if the inside is anywhere near as nice as the outside?

This statue of Neptune is across the plaza from the stock market, staring up at the facade.  I have no idea what the pinkish-purple kissing dogs are about, some local art thing, but I found them offputting versus the historic nature of the city.

This sign was quite interesting.  I thought it was about Covid and tourism, but according to our guide, there was a time period after WWII when the US and the UK controlled this small section of Italy.  This was called the Free Territory of Trieste.  It was established in 1947, and the purpose was to cool down territorial tensions between Italy and Yugoslavia.  The Free Territory was disolved in 1954.  The sign has been put up by a political faction in Trieste that wants to bring the Free Territory back.  The things I didn’t know about US history in Europe astound me!

On the way back to the bus we ran across a group of protesters who are really peeved about the Green Pass in effect in Italy!  It actually seemed more like a family outting than a protest to be honest.  Lot’s of kids blowing whistles and hitting tamborines.  You know….hippies!  Sorry, the video I took doesn’t do it justice.  Picture Berkeley in the 1960’s with upper middle class parents and their coddled children.

Coming up next, Parovel winery and Hisa Stekar winery (This post got too long, I had to break stuff down!).



Dam Restaurant – Nova Gorica, Slovenia

I figured to do one post about the meal at our current hotel, the Dam Restaurant, which has a Michelin Star.  I will predicate this by saying the meal was exceptional, and if you ever find yourself in this part of the world, this restaurant is worthy of a side trip all on it’s own.

The first course was some chips on a little tree, that was served with fresh anchioves.  Now I’m not a fan of anchoives, much like 99% of the population in the world, but these were damn good!  Maybe everybody else is just doing it wrong?  We also had some cheese balls covered in seeds, and a cracker of some type.  Shit, I’ve been drinking wine ALL day, I can’t remember every detail!

Course #2 was Smoked Trout Tartar, with little dollops of cottage cheese, roe, and cumcumber sauce.  Yum!

Course #3 was a super good Gnocchi with a creamy fish soup and bits of raw fish.  Double yum!!

This was made to look like olives but had something else inside.  I’m not entirely sure but I think it was white chocolate and some mixture of olive oil and something else?  It’s not listed on their menu, so it must be an intermezzo course.

Course #4 was egg with cauliflower and truffles.  We had this the night prior and it was just as excellent!

This shows how perfect the egg was.

Course #5 is the Rissoto with Prawns and Parsley Flower.  We’re getting damn full at this point!

Course #6 was Baked Tuna in a Cuttlefish Crust.  The tuna was cooked to perfection.  Chef Uros really has his shit down to a science!  Thanks to Eric Moore, aka Shaggy, for the photo.  I guess I got lost and forgot what I was doing!

There was a Mojito dessert, that was basically a sorbet.  Once again, credit to Shaggy for the photo.

Shaggy was sporting some extra cool socks!

Lastly there was some bits of chocolate.  A huge menu, and these places leave you feeling quite full.  Still, the restaurant is a must visit if you are in the northeastern part of Italy!  Just getting to converse with Chef Uros and super waiter (he really should wear a cape) Alan is a treat all on it’s own!!  Here is Peter singing his praises for our group.

The Chef as we are exiting the restaurant.  Cool as a cucumber!

I got the Chef to do a strong stance in front of his sign.  Even his father would be proud!

I can’t sing the praises for this restaurant highly enough.  The service and food were impeccable!  Thanks Chef Uros!