The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (how travel companies have responded to Covid-19)

We’ve been home for a few days now, and one thing I’ve gotten used to is being “on hold”.  Two days ago I was on hold with Chase for 3 hours and 42 minutes, when an automated voice I hadn’t heard previously told me “We can’t take your call right now, please try again later”, and then hung up.  Why did it take 3 hours and 42 minutes to tell me that?

Despite that, I was able to dispute about 8 charges via their phone app, and the credits did appear on my card within 24 hours.  Yesterday I was finally able to get through to them after 3 hours 15 minutes on hold.  I was shocked when somebody actually answered the phone!

There are a few companies that have been very understanding and helpful during this process.

The good:

Silversea Cruises – They gave us the option for a full refund of our cruise or a 125% credit for a future cruise.  We are hanging onto the credit for now, and can change our mind at any time. – We had two bookings that were non-refundable, and they worked out a full refund with both hotels.  This amounted to a refund of about $1300, which would have been a bitter pill to swallow.

Agoda – Same deal as  Full refund on a non-refundable hotel booking.

Delwarenorth – no questions asked full refund of flights to/from Lizard Island

Viator – full refund for several tours

Skyrail Rainforest Cableway – full refund on non-refundable tickets

Chase – they have not questioned any of my disputes, even with the airlines that tend to not give refunds (although when THEY cancel the flight, it should seem obvious a refund is in order).  My only gripe is how long it takes to get through to somebody, but with all that is going on it’s understandable.

There are a few who have been less than helpful.

The bad:

Bridgeclimb Sydney – only offering a credit that has to be used by March 2023, which is the longest credit period we’ve seen yet.  However, the tour will almost certainly not happen for anybody on April 2, so they should just offer a refund.  *Update – Bridgeclimb Sydney was indeed shut down by March 23, but still no talk of a refund, only a credit, when THEY can’t even run the tour.  Very sad.

United Airlines – United cancelled a flight home on us and left us hanging.  I  only found out via text message, and had to find a new flight on my own, and was quite lucky to do so.  I had to call United myself to cancel the flight that they cancelled and refund us our miles.  In addition, our flight home from Sydney scheduled for May 13 can’t be cancelled without paying a $125 fee.  United told me to wait until closer to that date to see if the rules change.  Crazy!  *Update – United came around and cancelled our May 13 flight and waived the fees, but still, why did I have to wait?

Onetravel – We have flights coming up on April 2 that we can’t cancel via their website.  Clicking on the cancel button simply gives you a phone number to call, but calling them only gets you a recording that says they are busy and to call back later.  What is the point in having a webpage with a “cancel” button?

There are another few who have been outright assholes that we will NEVER do business with.

The ugly:

Journey Beyond – This company runs the Ghan Railroad, among others.  They started off by telling me the tour is “still happening, so we can’t offer you a refund, just a credit.  Let us know when you want to rebook”.  I found a Covid-19 alert on their website that clearly stated they were offering refunds, and when I cut and paste that info into a return e-mail, they changed their website to remove the refund reference!  The email also stated “there will be no refunds” and directed me to the webpage they just changed!  Such assholish arrogance!

I received an email two days ago “Our trips have been shut down by the government, due to no fault of our own,  let us know when you want to rebook with your credit”.  Not a chance!  This company is dead to me!

Qantas – only offering a credit that has to be used by Sep 30, 2020.  What??  This thing won’t be over by then.  What are they thinking?  I’m certain the three flights I’m trying to cancel now will be cancelled by them at some point. Just give me a refund!

Jetstar– Before I had a chance to cancel my flight with them, they cancelled the flight themselves.  Even though they cancelled my flight, they are only offering a credit that must be used by Sep 30, 2020.  WTF?

At least my green list is longer than my red one!

Not sure when we will be travelling again.  Looking at the Galapagos in December perhaps.  We shall see what the future brings.  Thanks for reading the blog!


Things we learned about New Zealand

Here is a list of some of the things we have taken note of regarding New Zealand:

  1.  NZ claims their roads are very different than anywhere else (you will see signs all over stating it), but we haven’t found that to be the case.  Yes, they have very few freeways, but the roads are just the same as driving in most rural areas.  The one thing that will slow you down is the speed limit, which tops out at 100km/h (62mph).  We saw very few police officers, so I was regularly driving 110-120km/h.  Driving times are generally better than they claim, even at the speed limit.
  2. The same deal goes for hiking.  Trails that they claim will take 2 hours take about an hour and a half, usually less.  Do people here just hike really slow?
  3. You know how the dotted lines on your side of the road indicate a location where it’s safe to pass?  They have them here that continue around blind corners and along very short sections of road.  I’ve been left wondering under what conditions somebody could pass….even if a truck was pulled partway over and not moving, it was unsafe.  I don’t get it.
  4. Every hotel we checked into gave us a bottle of milk for our morning coffee.  Every single one.  Smart!  This is something that needs to happen worldwide.  Every hotel has also had a refrigerator (which makes sense when they are giving you milk).  It’s also worth noting that nearly every hotel had a small kitchenette, and several had laundry facilities, which proved quite helpful.  We never did have to go to a laudromat.
  5. Tipping is not common here.  Some people have refused a tip.  Some have been openly grateful to receive one.  One looked at me funny wondering what the extra money was for.  Not giving a tip is completely normal.  It took some getting used to…..and now I need to revert back!
  6. Everybody here is SUPER friendly.  I mean “have the shirt off my back” friendly.  Just like Portugal.  The only person who was the least bit unfriendly was the Soup Nazi woman at Lottin Point Motel.
  7. NZ likes their old music.  I don’t know if it’s just taken 20 to 25 years to make it here, but they play a pretty constant mixture of 70’s and 80’s rock on the radio and in restaurants here.  We have flipped around the radio during our travels looking for some news, and have never heard Rap once.  Told you this place was awesome!
  8. I’ve mentioned it once before, but hiking trails are called “tracks”.  They are everywhere, and you will see a ton of people hiking.  They love the outdoors, and who could blame them when your outdoors look like this?
  9. If you have an emergency in NZ, the phone number is 111, not 911.  Why?  I have no idea.
  10. We saw no mosquitoes, but we saw PLENTY of sandflies.  They are actually worse, as their bites are very itchy and the scars they leave behind last a long time. Buy bug repellent and use it.  It was very effective.
  11. There is a large hole in the ozone layer over NZ, so you can get burned very easily and quickly if you don’t wear sunscreen.  Even on a fully overcast day with rain, you can get burned.
  12. In restaurants, the starter is called the Entree, and the entree is called the Main.  This must be something they got from the Brits….or the French.  You also walk up to the counter when you are ready to pay, which I liked.  No more sitting and waiting for the check.
  13. New Zealanders love calling themselves Kiwis, and don’t EVER ask one if they are from Australia.  Wow did i find that out the hard way!  Kiwis like to bag on Australia, particularly when it comes to wine.  More than one Kiwi mocked the Aussie use of the word Shiraz versus Syrah.
  14. Flying from NZ to Australia is referred to as “flying across the ditch”.

I know there are a few more, and if they dawn on me as we are isolated at home, I’ll come back and add to this.  One more post regarding experiences with travel companies, which is constantly evolving.  Stay safe everybody!